UN says one million Gazans displaced in a week

Israel-Hamas war live: UN says one million Gazans displaced in a week


By Gabriel / from Zaheena Rasheed , Lyndal Rowlands , Kevin Doyle , Hamza Mohamed , Priyanka Shankar , Arwa Ibrahim and Usaid Siddiqui
Published On 14 Oct 2023

An estimated one million Gazans have been displaced in the first seven days of conflict with Israel, according to the United Nations agency supporting Palestinian refugees, as aid groups said the situation in the besieged enclave is “catastrophic”.

[Abdelkarim Hana/Al Jazeera]

  1. Israel has deployed tanks and weapons on the border fence with Gaza as the military build-up continues amid relentless bombardment.                                                                                                                     
  2. At least 2,329 Palestinians, including 724 children, have been killed in Israeli air raids. The number of Israelis killed in Hamas’s military operation stands at 1,300, including 286 soldiers.                                                                                                                                                
  3. The Israeli military says it is striking targets in Lebanon after a missile attack by Hezbollah fighters killed a person in its territory. This comes as Iran is warning Israel to cease its “war crimes” against Gaza.                                                                                                                             
  4. The United States aircraft carrier USS Dwight D Eisenhower joins the USS Gerald R Ford carrier, which earlier arrived in the Mediterranean, in a show of support for Israel

16m ago (16:47 GMT)

Death toll in Gaza rises to 2,670

At least 2,670 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since Oct. 7, the health ministry says.  More than 9,600 have been injured in Israeli attacks on Gaza, the ministry said.

26m ago (16:38 GMT)

UN peacekeepers say HQ struck by rocket in south Lebanon

United Nations peacekeeping force UNIFIL says its headquarters in south Lebanon have been hit by a rocket.

“Our headquarters in Naqoura was hit with a rocket and we are working to verify from where. Our peacekeepers were not in shelters at the time. Fortunately, no one was hurt,” UNIFIL says in a statement.

35m ago (16:29 GMT)

Biden says he spoke with Abbas about Gaza aid

Biden spoke with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas about humanitarian assistance for Gaza, the US president has posted on X.

He said he told Abbas he was working with partners in the region to ensure humanitarian supplies reach civilians in Gaza.

44m ago (16:20 GMT)

Israeli front lines ‘very active’
By Stefanie Dekker in southern Israel

We’re about 3km (1.86 miles) away from Gaza.

The air strikes seem to have picked up in the northern area [of Gaza] over the last hour or so. There’s been some outgoing artillery from the Israeli position. A lot of rockets and barrages as well that we have witnessed. Around eight interceptions in the sky close to us.

So it’s a very active front line. But what everyone is speculating is when this ground operation is going to start. That is something that the Israeli army has made very clear is going to happen at some point, saying it was going to be from air, land and sea.

But there was speculation that would have happened last night potentially after Prime Minister Netanyahu visited troops along the fence area.

This is all speculation, but what we do know is that Israeli military hardware and personnel are in place so it is just a matter of when at this point.

An Israeli soldier rides in a tank

Gaza under blockade: Palestinians are running out of food and water

51m ago (16:15 GMT)

Thousands turn up for pro-Palestinian rally in Istanbul

Thousands have turned out for a pro-Palestinian rally in Istanbul, after sustained Israeli bombardment in the Gaza Strip and warnings about a ground attack there.

“They’ve been chasing people out of their homes for years. Now they’re not killing people one by one day by day, they’re killing them en masse,” said one of the marchers, Bayram Atabey, a shopkeeper in his thirties.

“This is what Israel is doing and we are protesting against it,” he added at the rally organised by a group allied to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s AKP party.


Demonstrators wave Turkish and Palestinian flags during a rally in solidarity with Palestinians

Demonstrators wave Turkish and Palestinian flags during a rally in solidarity with Palestinians in Istanbul [Dilara Senkaya/Reuters]

This week the Turkish president denounced “the indiscriminate massacre of innocent people in Gaza”, asserting that Israel “does not behave like a state”.

59m ago (16:07 GMT)

EU leaders back Israel’s right to defend itself in line with international law

The European Union’s national leaders back Israel’s right to defend itself in line with humanitarian and international law, they have said in a statement.

“The European Union condemns in the strongest possible terms Hamas and its brutal and indiscriminate terrorist attacks across Israel and deeply deplores the loss of lives,” says the statement from the European Council, which brings together the leaders of the bloc’s 27-member countries.

While many EU leaders have issued statements on the Hamas attack since it took place just over a week ago, Sunday’s was the first by the European Council as a whole.

“There is no justification for terror. We strongly emphasize Israel’s right to defend itself in line with humanitarian and international law in the face of such violent and indiscriminate attacks,” the statement added.

Smoke rises following an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip

Smoke rises following an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip, as seen from southern Israel [Ariel Schalit/AP Photo]

“We reiterate the importance to ensure the protection of all civilians at all times in line with International Humanitarian Law.”\\\\==

1h ago (15:45 GMT)

Gaza invasion could lead to ‘genocide’: Arab League, African Union

Israel’s planned ground invasion of Gaza “could lead to a genocide of unprecedented proportions”, the heads of the Arab League and African Union have said in a joint statement.

Both organisations called on “the United Nations and the international community to stop a catastrophe unfolding in front of us, before it is too late”, as Israel readies for a ground invasion

of the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian citizens inspect damage to their homes caused by Israeli airstrikes

Palestinian citizens inspect damage to their homes caused by Israeli airstrikes [Ahmad Hasaballah/Getty Images]

1h ago (15:36 GMT)

Fifty families in Gaza wiped from civil registry: Ministry

At least 50 families in the Gaza Strip have been wiped out from the civil registry, the health ministry says.

The families were killed by Israeli shelling and in air strikes, the ministry said.

Sheet-covered bodies killed during an Israeli airstrike are loaded onto a truck outside al-Aqsa hospital in Deir el-Balah, central Gaza Strip [Adel Hana/AP Photo]

Sheet-covered bodies killed during an Israeli airstrike are loaded onto a truck

Sheet-covered bodies killed during an Israeli airstrike are loaded onto a truck outside al-Aqsa hospital in Deir el-Balah, central Gaza Strip [Adel Hana/AP Photo]

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